Counting the number of observed concentrations in the prediction interval

Please fill in the blanks below using the prediction interval (e.g., 90% or 95%) from your software (e.g., PK-Sim), and the observed concentrations.

Columns are separated by tab characters, and rows are separated by line breaks.

Please input the observed concentration in the table below.

The values in the first (left) column are time.

The values in the other column are concentrations.

If there are multiple observations at the same time, you can input the concentration in the same row or in another new line with explicit time values for each.


Time	Concentrations
15	2.85	3.15	2.95
30	1.178	1.25	1.15
45	0.672	0.751	0.681
90	0.484	0.511	0.499
120	0.339	0.340	0.335
240	0.239	0.250	0.233
360	0.172	0.112	0.119
1440	0.13
2880	0.0608

Please input the prediction range.

The values in the first (left) column are time.

The values in the second (center) column are the lower border of the prediction range.

The values in the third (right) column are the upper border of the prediction range.

The time range of the prediction should cover the time range of observation.

If there is no prediction at the exact time of observation, linear interpolation will be performed to get lower and upper bound at the observed time.

The table should have three columns, and the length of every column should be the same without a blank.


Time	LowerBound	UpperBound
15	2.00	3.00
30	1.00	1.50
45	0.50	1.00
90	0.45	0.75
120	0.300	0.50
240	0.200	0.35
360	0.150	0.25
1440	0.11	0.15
2880	0.0300	0.100

Min-Soo Kim ( made this page in 2023-2024. There is no need to get any additional permission from Min-Soo Kim to use this page in any purpose.